Municipal Consent & Work in the Right of Way

Permit Process

Anyone needing to do work in the right-of-way on a County of Huron maintained road needs to be granted permission by way of permit application.  The Municipal Consent permit should be submitted first to receive permission to be in the right of way.

Once a completed Municipal Consent permit has been received by the County of Huron Public Works Department it can take up to 4 weeks (20 days) for the permit to be reviewed and signed off by all parties at the County.  During this period, the permit location is visited by County personnel in the field to ensure that it meets the County’s specifications for work done in our right of way.  It is then returned to the office where payment arrangements are made and then it is signed off by the Director.  The approved permit is returned to the applicant with instructions on how to proceed.  Should the permit not meet specifications, County personnel will contact the applicant and advise them of any problems.

When the Municipal Consent permit is approved the applicant will have a link sent to them for the Work in the Right of Way permit, the linked permit will have the previous permits’ information pre-populated and will ask for new information such as road occupancy dates and traffic protection plan.  Once you or your contractor is ready to perform the work as approved in the Municipal Consent, please complete and submit the Works in Right of Way permit through the link.

Municipal Consent

The Municipal Consent form is the County’s authorization for a utility to occupy a specific location/or locations within the County’s right-of way.  The Municipal Consent will only be issued to utility companies, commissions, agencies, or municipalities or private app who have a municipal access agreement with the County. Working in the right-of-way is subject to a Work in a Right of Way permit.  The cost for the Municipal Consent permit is $200.00.

Municipal Consent Permit Link

Work in the Right of Way

A Work in Right of Way permit relates to any activity that results in traffic disruption, including bins, materials and equipment blocking lates, or the cutting, excavation, boring, filling, additions or altering in any way, roadways, curbs, sidewalks, boulevards, ditches, trails and other areas within the right-of-way.  A traffic plan in compliance with the Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM), Book 7, Temporary Conditions for traffic plan instructions, may be required.  The cost for the Work in the Right-of-Way permit is $100.00.

Work in the Right of Way Permit Link