Planning Application Fees

Planning Applications include Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Minor Variances, Subdivisions/Condominiums and Consents (Severances).

Other types of planning applications include removal of Holding (H) symbol, renewal of Temporary Use Zoning By-law, Deeming By-law, Part Lot Control Exemption, Agreements and Draft Approval Extension.

There is an application form (available online here) and fee associated with each type of planning application.

The following fee schedules were approved by County Council.

Type of Application Total Fee Effective August 1st, 2024 Total Fee Effective

January 1, 2025

Official Plan Amendment (OPA), Local OPA, County OPA $6,000 $6,120
Official Plan Amendment (OPA), Local OPA, County OPA – New or
expanding aggregate operation
$12,000 $12,240
Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBLA) $4,000 $4,080
Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBLA) -New or expanding aggregate
operation if no OPA is required
$10,000 $10,200
Minor Variance (1 variance) $2,500 $2,550
Minor Variance (2 variances) $3,250 $3,320
Minor Variance (3 or more variances) $4,000 $4080
Consent-Technical (e.g. lot additions, easements, ROW’s, Validation Certificates, re-creation of original lots, etc.) $3,000 $3,060
Consent-New Lot Creation (e.g. new lots, surplus farm severances)


Base fee includes one severed and one retained. Add $2500 for each additional lot created.


Base fee includes one severed and one retained – add $2500 for each additional lot created


Base fee includes one severed and one retained-add $2550 for each additional lot created

Retained Land Certificate $500 $510
Cancellation Certificate $500 $510
Change of Consent Conditions or Draft Deed $500 $510
Plan of Subdivision/Condominium

Lots/Blocks/Units over 10


add $200 per lot/unit/ block


add $200 per lot/unit/block

Draft approval extension – First extension

-Any subsequent extension





Phasing, Final Approval* $3,000 per final approval/phase* $3,060 per final approval/phase*
Changes to a Draft Approval Plan or Conditions* $2,000 $2,040
*Note: Where Final Approval, Phasing or Changes to draft plan conditions result in the creation of additional lots/blocks/units, an additional fee of $200/lot/block/unit shall apply. add $200 per lot/block/unit add $200 per lot/block/unit
Removal of Holding (H) Symbol $1,000 $1,020
Renewal of Temporary Use Zoning By-law $3,000 $3,060
By-law to Deem lots not in a Plan of Subdivision, or the repeal of such By-law *

*Applicants cover all legal costs & by-law prep


*Applicants cover all legal costs & by-law prep



Part Lot Control *

additional conveyable Parts over 2



add $200 per additional conveyable Part over 2

*Applicants cover all legal costs & by-law prep


add $200 per additional conveyable Part over 2


Application Re-circulation fee (resulting from a change/meeting cancellation requested by the applicant) $500 $510
Site Plan Control Variable Variable
Agreements: subdivision, condominium, development, lot grading & drainage (Costs to be reimbursed for legal and engineering). Variable – Cost recovery Variable-Cost recovery
Natural Heritage Review by County Biologist (if development is proposed within 120m of a Natural Heritage feature): comments on planning application

Review terms of reference and EIS

$500 for comments on planning application

$60/hour billed for review of Terms of Reference and EIS

$510 for comments on planning application

$60/hour billed for review of Terms of Reference and EIS

Note: On January 1st each year (starting January 1st, 2025), planning fees will be increased on a percentage basis rounded up or down to the nearest ten-dollar increment consistent with the Statistics Canada Consumer Price Index for Ontario for the previous calendar year (October to October), if the index shows an increase.