
September 18, 2014

Free Drinks During “Mocktails on Me”

Pregnant women in Huron County can enjoy free non-alcoholic drinks during the Huron County Health Unit’s new “Mocktails on Me” campaign.

September 17, 2014

Huron County Chosen for New Healthy Kids Challenge

The County of Huron is one of 45 Ontario communities selected for the province’s Healthy Kids Community Challenge. The initiative focuses on healthy lifestyles for children and youth, especially healthy eating, physical activity and adequate sleep. The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care will provide funding, training and other resources over the next four years for community programs and activities in the county.

September 9, 2014

Free nicotine replacement therapy for smokers

September is the second-most popular month for smokers to try to quit. The Huron County Health Unit is offering free nicotine replacement therapy to help smokers kick the habit for good this fall.

September 5, 2014

Public Advisory: Construction Outside Brussels Library

Due to repaving of Turnberry Street in Brussels, there may be access problems for visitors to the Brussels Branch Library starting September 5, 2014.

New Immunization Requirements for School Attendance

The Huron County Health Unit reminds parents and caregivers that three vaccines in the province’s immunization schedule are now required for students to attend school.

September 4, 2014

Notice: Special Session of County Council

Take notice that a Special Session of County Council will be held on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 immediately following the Committee of the Whole Day 1 meeting in the Court House Council Chambers, Goderich.

September 2, 2014

Food for Library Fines Returns

Here’s your chance to donate to local food banks, while “paying” your overdue library fines!

August 27, 2014

Deal Safely With Bats: Health Unit

If you’ve had a bat fly into your home recently, you are not alone.

Volunteers Needed for Doors Open Huron

Huron Arts & Heritage Network is pleased to announce that Doors Open is returning September 13th & 14th with the biggest event to date!

August 20, 2014

Final Weeks of Our Stories at Museum

Have you ever wondered if someone famous was from your own hometown? Did they live in your community and you didn’t know it. Discover the stories of some Huron County residents who have made achievements in Science, Technology, Education and the Arts with a temporary exhibit at the Huron County Museum.