
August 18, 2016

Health Unit Launches Workplace Wellness Website

Huron County, ON – The Huron County Health Unit is launching a website for local businesses. “Workplace Wellness: Making Good Business Sense in Huron” will help Huron County employers build wellness in the workplace.

August 17, 2016

International Plowing Match Cross County Convoy

Kick-off event to the 100th IPM in September 2017 hosted in Huron County.

August 12, 2016

Free Outdoor Movie Night Rain or Shine

The Huron County Health Unit reminds families that the free outdoor movie night planned for Saturday, August 13 in Victoria Park in Seaforth will take place rain or shine.

August 9, 2016

Signs of Stroke? Call 911

Approximately 50 per cent of people who think they’re having a stroke are making a grave mistake by driving themselves, or have someone else drive them, to the nearest emergency department instead of calling 911.

August 8, 2016

Heat Warning Issued for Next Several Days

Environment Canada has issued another heat warning; temperatures and humidex level will be high for next several days. The Health Unit reminds the public to take care to prevent heat-related illnesses.

August 5, 2016

Beach Butt Clean-up Success

The Huron County Health Unit would like to thank all those who helped clean up over 3,500 cigarette butts on Goderich beach on Tuesday, August 2.

August 4, 2016

Free Outdoor Movie Night in Seaforth

Family fun is back in the form of a free movie night at Victoria Park in Seaforth on August 13th. Come, watch Zootopia, an animated children’s movie about a crime fighting rabbit.

August 3, 2016

Heat Warnings Prompt Health Concerns

Environment Canada has issued another heat warning meaning temperatures & humidex levels will be high for the next two days. The Health Unit reminds you to take care to prevent health-related illnesses.