
June 29, 2020

Safely welcoming visitors to Huron County’s beaches.

As visitors are welcomed to Huron County, the County of Huron asks that all visitors and residents follow all health and safety protocols, and respect the natural areas and delicate ecosystems when visiting local beaches.

June 26, 2020

SWIFT Releases RFP to Improve Internet Access in Huron County

As part of its expansion plan, SWIFT has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for $7.2 million to expand broadband infrastructure in Huron County. Contracts will be awarded, and service provider agreements will be put in place shortly after the RFP closes on December 4, 2020.

June 23, 2020

County of Huron SLED Program Funding Opens for 2020 Applications

The County of Huron’s annual SLED (Supporting Local Economic Development) program launches this week. Successful projects will be provided up to $10,000 through the SLED fund. The program is delivered on a first come, first served basis, closing August 31, 2020.

June 17, 2020

County of Huron Launches ‘Ready to Re-Open’ Business Recognition Program

The County of Huron has launched the Ready to Re-Open Huron recognition program available at no cost to all businesses within Huron County. Delivered through a one-hour webinar, a toolkit and guidance documents, Ready to Re-Open Huron is designed to arm businesses with guidance on what reasonable steps should be taken when reopening their businesses and how to make their workplaces safe for employees and customers.

June 16, 2020

Huron County Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Time Change

The Huron County Accessibility Advisory Committee virtual meeting scheduled for Monday, June 22, 2020 at 10:00 AM, will now begin at 9:00 AM.

June 15, 2020

Audit Committee Virtual Meeting

Warden Jim Ginn has called a virtual meeting of the Huron County Audit Committee on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at 9:00 AM.

June 12, 2020

As Ontario’s West Coast reopens, County of Huron encourages flexibility and patience.

As the phase two re-openings begin, the County of Huron would like to remind all residents and visitors to continue to follow public-health measures and practice flexibility and courtesy with businesses and outdoor amenities. Although the province has allowed many businesses and public spaces to re-open, we encourage both residents and visitors to keep in mind that operators need time to ensure that they have the public-health measures in place to protect themselves, their employees and their customers.

June 11, 2020

County of Huron Recovery Team Takes Action

The County of Huron has been proactively preparing for COVID-19 recovery with a series of initiatives developed by the County of Huron Recovery Team. The County’s economic recovery efforts are divided into three primary action teams with the goals of providing support where it is needed, helping people back to work in a healthy and safe environment, and encouraging citizens to make local purchases and support local businesses. These three teams focus on business development, community development and data and research.

June 1, 2020

Huron County Library Now Offering Curbside Service!

The Huron County Library is offering Curbside Service at the Goderich, Exeter and Zurich branch locations starting June 4th, and at the Wingham and Brussels branch locations starting June 9th. All other library branches remain closed. Visit for more information.