Preamble: History of Township Names and List of Assessors

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Index of Townships
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History of Huron District Township names

Ashfield Township
Named after a village in Suffolk, England.
Biddulph Township
Takes its name from Robert Biddulph, one of the original directors of the Canada Company.
Blanshard Township
Named after Richard Blanshard, one of the first directors of the Canada Company. He was appointed first governor of Vancouver Island in 1849.
Colborne Township
The Township of Colborne takes its name from Sir John Colborne. At the battle of Waterloo he conducted the decisive movement of the light infantry which secured the victory. He was also the founder of Upper Canada College in Toronto.
Downie Township
Named after Robert Downie, M.P., a director of the Canada Company. Mr. Downie was one of the first directors of the Company.
Ellice Township
Named after the Right Hon. Edward Ellice, one of the first directors of the Canada Company. He spent many years in Montreal in connection with the major fur trading companies.
Fullarton Township
Named after John Fullarton, Director of the Canada Company.
Town of Goderich and Goderich Township
Named after Right Hon. Frederick John Robinson, Viscount Goderich. He had much to do with Canadian affairs during the 1837 Rebellion period.
Hay Township
Named in honor of R. W. Hay, joint Secretary for the Colonies with Lord Stanley.
Hibbert Township
Named after William T. Hibbert, Junior, Director of the Canada Company.
Hullett Township
Named after John Hullett, one of the first directors of the Canada Company.
Logan Township
Named after Hart Logan, director of the Canada Company.
McGillivray Township
Named after Simon McGillivray, Director of the Canada Company.
McKillop Township
Named after James McKillop, M.P., one of the first directors of the Canada Company.
North and South Easthope Townships
Named after Sir John Easthope, M.P., a director of the Canada Company. He became proprietor of the Morning Chronicle, organ of the Liberal party.
Stanley Township
Named after Edward Geoffrey Smith Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby, who served as Secretary of the Colonies in Britain.
Stephen Township
Named after James Stephen, Junior, the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies in the time of Lord Goderich and Lord Glenelg.
Tuckersmith Township
Named after Martin Tucker-Smith, of London, banker, one of the original directors of the Canada Company.
Usborne Township
Named after Henry Usborne, one of the first directors of the Canada Company.
Williams Township
Named after William Williams, M.P., Deputy Governor of the Canada Company.

List of Assessors

George Barber
Township Assessed: McGillivray.
Duncan Campbell
Township Assessed: Williams.
William Cashin
Townships Assessed: Blanshard, Downie, Fullarton.
George Cox
Townships Assessed: Goderich Town, Goderich Township.
William Hodgins
Township Assessed: Biddulph.
Thomas Johnston
Township Assessed: Ashfield (including Wawanosh).
George Morris
Township Assessed: Stanley.
William Muir
Townships Assessed: Hullett, Tuckersmith.
Thomas Reddie
Township Assessed: Ellice.
Peter Robertson
Township Assessed: Colborne.
Thomas Rowtcliff
Townships Assessed: Hay, Stephen, Usborne.
Duncan Stewart
Township Assessed: North Easthope.
John Yagge
Township Assessed: South Easthope.
James Young
Townships Assessed: Hibbert, Logan, McKillop.

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This web page was created by Patrick Rourke at the Goderich Branch Library during the summer of 1998, sponsored by Young Canada Works in Heritage Institutions.
Last Modified: Friday, August 28, 1998. To give feedback about this web site, email the Goderich Branch Library.
© 1998, Huron County Library