This web site, the online version of the 1842 Huron District Assessment Rolls, was created by Patrick Rourke during the summer of 1998, and completed August 28, 1998, under a grant to the Huron County Library from the Young Canada Works in Heritage Institutions program.
Beth Ross, County Librarian, Marian Doucette, Marg Bushell and R. J. Thompson for directing and overseeing the project.
The late James Anderson, Perth County Archives, for the Map of the Huron District.
The Huron County Museum Archives for access to the fragile original assessment ledger and kind assistance when photographing it.
The Huron County Branch O.G.S. (Ontario Genealogical Society) for the loan of 1871 Census Indexes for Perth County and London-Middlesex.
The late Thelma Coleman for her excellent book The Canada Company, published by the County of Perth, 1978.
Lynn Manktelow for her compilation of the names assigned to lots on the Canada Company maps of the period 1829-1839.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone who helped me in any way to complete this project, but particularly to the kind staff at the Goderich Branch Library.
Patrick Rourke - August 28th, 1998