Huron County Directory

The complete listing of the Huron County Directory shows information for the Senior Management Team, Standing Committees and Boards, and County Office Phone Numbers.

Huron County Senior Management Team

Meighan Wark
Chief Administrative Officer

Michael Blumhagen
Treasurer and Director of Corporate Services

Susan Cronin
Director of Legislative Services & County Clerk

Vicki Lass
Director of Economic Development

Imran Khalid
Director of Public Works

Jeff Horseman
Director of Emergency Services

Barbara Hall
Director of Social and Property Services

Sandra Weber
Director of Planning and Development

Lara Vanstone
Director of Human Resources

Beth Rumble
County Librarian and Director of Cultural Services

Dana Mellor
Interim Director of Homes for the Aged

Standing Committees and Boards

Huron Perth Public Health Board

Marg Anderson, George Finch, Bernie MacLellan, Bill Vanstone

County Council

Glen McNeil

Comprised of the Whole of Council:

  • Day 1 – Planning & Development, Cultural Services and Corporate
  • Day 2 – Social & Property Services, Homes for the Aged, Public Works, Emergency Services, Economic Development and Corporate

Library Board

Warden Glen McNeil, John Becker, Doug Harding
Non-Council: Nick Kester, Jane Morton, Patricia Smith, Sydney Wettlaufer, Halina Zaleski

Economic Development Board

Warden Glen McNeil, Jim Ginn, Jamie Heffer
Non-Council: Tina Bax, Lynne Harris, Leanne Kavanagh, John Kiser, Jason Oud, Derek Van Dieten, Bryan Vincent, Frances Westley

Accessibility Advisory Committee

Warden Glen McNeil, Trevor Bazinet
Non-Council: Lorie Falconer, Glen McLachlan, Tanya McNicol, Julie Sawchuk, Kathy Sebastian, Shawn Thomson, Maia Turland


County Office Phone Numbers

Chief Administrative Officer
519-524-8394 x 3224

519-524-8394 x 3257

519-524-8394 x 3511

Provincial Offences
519-524-8394 x 3502

Human Resources
519-524-8394 x 3510

Economic Development
519-524-8394 x 3242

Emergency Services
519-524-8394 x 3507

Huronview Home for the Aged

Huronlea Home for the Aged

Library Headquarters


Planning and Development
519-524-8394 x 3503

Public Works/Highways
519-524-8394 x 3504

Social Services – Ontario Works

Children’s Services

Housing and Property Services

Huron Small Business Centre
519- 524-8394 x 6

Agriculture & Rural Economic Development Advisor Huron & Perth (OMAFRA)