Title | Number | Description |
User Fees and Charges | By-law 2021-080 | Establish user fees and charges for administration services provided by the County of Huron. |
Striking By-lw | By-law 2020-072 | Authorize appointment of council members to various committees and boards. |
Procedural By-law | By-law 2022-060 | Establish rules of order, regulation and procedures for the Council, Boards and Committees of the Corporation of the County of Huron. |
Smoking on Huron County Property | By-law 2018-002 | Prohibit smoking on a property owned by the County of Huron. |
Amend By-law 2018-002 Smoking on Huron County Property | By-law 2018-057 | Amend By-law 2018-002 to prohibit smoking on a property owned by the County of Huron. |
Forest Conservation | By-Law No. 38, 2013 | Prohibit or regulate the destruction or injury of trees in woodlands and woodlots in the County. |