Groundwater Study

The County of Huron recognizes the importance of protecting the quality and quantity of groundwater to continue safe drinking water supplies and maintain ecosystem functions.

The Planning and Development Department has conducted a county-wide Groundwater Study identifying the location and character of aquifers and capture zones for municipal wells.

Selected facts about the water supplies throughout Huron County that were identified
during this examination include:

  • For the County’s 60,000 permanent residents and up to 10,000 seasonal residents, water is provided as follows:
Approx. % of Population
Municipal Wells 30%
Private Wells 45%
Lake Huron 25%
  • Huron County has three main sources of drinking water:
    • Water in bedrock (Northern 2/3 of the County)
    • Water in the overburden (Southern 1/3 of the County)
    • Surface water (Goderich and south along the lakeshore,
      parts of Bayfield, and areas in South Huron)
  • There are 34 municipal wells within the County of Huron and over 6,000 private wells
  • Groundwater crosses County boundaries, especially deeper bedrock aquifers extending beyond the County limits
  • Groundwater and surface water are inter-connected; efforts to protect one will benefit the other
  • Protecting groundwater involves the public, groups, agencies and municipalities; no one single group can successfully address water protection

Additional information may be found in The Groundwater Study Summary prepared June 2001 by the Planning and Development Department.

A full copy of the Groundwater Quality Assessment Report and accompanying Maps is available for review or may be purchased from the Planning and Development office in Goderich.

Information regarding the implementation of the Groundwater Study and suggested protection measures for County, local municipalities and partner agencies is also available.


  • pdf
    Summary of the Groundwater Study